
Data Transfer Via WIFI Android PC "Android As the FTP Server"

Many ways can be used to transfer data from Android to a PC or vice versa. And facilities that we use now is a FTP (File Transfer Protocol). For the first part of this will use Android as an FTP server.

For the first start of the android you first install the FTP server, linked below and also install FTP client.

FTP server for android >>
Filezilla FTP client for Windows, Ubuntu, dll >>

*This only applies to Android 2.2 and above.

Settings FTP server on Android :
Before you open the FTP server application, the earlier switch on the Addons WIFI hotspot in android </ i> you. And make sure it is ready to use WIFI hotspot.

first on settings page, you must fill in :

  • user = of to you
  • pass = password for computer access your android
  • port = of to you, use 4 digits "ex : 2012".
  • Chosse the network interface = "disini pilih wl0", if it does not appear it means you are not already on android hostpot.
  • Default dir = Please select a folder which can be accessed by the computer. </ li>
  • give a check mark next to "Accept connections and 3G connections", FTP server is intended to be the way despite being another network access.
"save and restart service"
start FTP server "start FTP service" if no error message means the FTP server is running fine, now just setting FTP clientnya.
FTP server setting on FTP Client (komputer) :
Connect your computer with WIFI hotspot android. Then open Filezilla FTP client on your computer.
At the top, the contents of hostname: IP server (can be seen on the FTP server android application), user / password / port, according to what you have been content. "enter".
If successful then the list of existing folders on your android device will be displayed in the right column as shown below. Staying right click, select upload and download to your data, look good Addons.

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