
Fotter Banner

To advertise please contact facebook on Or call 085 645 777 298.
Ad format is Html, Flash and image formats (jpeg, png, bmp, gif, swf). size (1000x300) pixels. The images can be sent according to our instructions after you contact one of the addresses above.
Advertising costs from 50,000 / month (first month), and for the next month simply by 30,000, -.

Standart Banner

To advertise please contact facebook on Or call 085 645 777 298.
Ad format is Html, Flash and image formats (jpeg, png, bmp, gif, swf). size (170x70sd90) pixel. The images can be sent according to our instructions after you contact one of the addresses above.
Advertising costs from 20,000 / month (first month), and for the next month simply by 10,000, -.

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Yussan used to be called, is currently studying S1 Computer Science at STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta.
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