
Snake Game on Youtube Buffer Loading

Whose name buffer is unavoidable, especially having only kecepatatan internet connection mediocre. Wait wait buffer like ants pick-iron, heavy. and usually the visitors prefer to leave youtube and mmbiarkan running buffer prior to then be seen after complete buffering.

But youtube has another way that visitors do not leave the site just for that reason. Is to create a loading buffer on youtube into a game, the game of snake-hose.

To use it, first play first video that you want to play on youtube, then when loading to buffer the video.

Tekan tombol arah panah, bebas kanan kiri atas bawah. Maka game ular siap untuk dimainkan.

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Yussan used to be called, is currently studying S1 Computer Science at STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta.
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