
So That Post can't be Copied [blogger]

If we fear the people of our work can be copied and claimed them as their work, there is an alternative that you can use. How it works, there is blog text we can not blog to be copied, but can still be right-clicked just to save the page, save the image, open link in new tab, properties. The trick was also quite easy, just click the title or link read more.

1. Go to the Dashboard
2. Click the Layout tab
3. Click the Edit HTML tab
4. Tick ​​the little box "Expand Widget Templates"

5. Please search within your template code <head>
6. If you have found, you copy paste the script that is below "Right after the code ". to facilitate the search, press "Ctrl + F" and type what you want to search. And paste this code, after code <head>

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript"><br />    if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined") {<br />    document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false");<br />    }<br />    else{<br />    document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false");<br />    document.onmouseup=new Function ("return true");<br />    }<br />    </SCRIPT>

7. Save template
8. Finisf, check your blogger!

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Yussan used to be called, is currently studying S1 Computer Science at STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta.
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